Monday, February 28, 2011

☞ READ: Local Catholic Schools Excel

There always seem to be an occasional article written about how Catholic schools have been outperforming public schools in less wealthy neighborhoods and the Daily News just recently featured Mt. Carmel-Holy Rosary School in East Harlem: LINK.  Located at Pleasant Avenue and 119th, the school is right on the border where the old tenement neighborhood transitions into a housing project super block.  Nevertheless, the Catholic school has had reportedly 100% of its fourth grade students pass the math and English statewide tests.  In contrast, the public schools in the area are only averaging about half that success rate so having a Catholic school in the neighborhood might be a good alternative for some.  For the most part, these schools also charge substantially less tuition than private schools in the city and that is another reason why they make sense to a lot parents.

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