Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Manhattanville Coffee shop under construction at the corner of 142nd and Edgecombe will be the groundbreaking new spot for this part of Central Harlem when finished.  We especially admire that the cheap storefronts of the past 20 years found throughout buildings uptown are starting to be replaced by more expensive and better-designed facades.  Paneled windows and doors that allude to old woodwork now come into play when new businesses are being installed into a century old structure.

Traditional wood storefronts come at a premium these days so this to us is a great compromise.  We hear that signage is arriving soon so expect more of that classic element when all comes together.  As far as the name goes, we were able to meet the owners at Sugar Hill Market a couple of weekends ago and they mentioned that they wanted a moniker that alluded to Harlem but also gave a village-like feel to the coffee shop.

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