Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Looking over the recent townhouse listings available in Harlem, we noticed a few that were in the $4 million range which raises an eyebrow or two.  As reviewed at the end of 2014, the highest townhouse transactions uptown were closer to $3 million so anything above $3.5 million would really have to be quite unique in our opinion.  Also a home at this range should have incredibly restored original details that would also involve contextual upgrades that would be worthy of a home decor magazine. Other factors include being located on a notable block and having a total width at around 20 foot or more.  Apparently brownstones that are not chopped up into many units are a desired commodity these days since those who can afford the higher range of the market are usually looking to move into the house and not be a landlord.  For more on the record sales of last year, check out our past post: LINK

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