Thursday, March 26, 2009

☞ SHOP: Mike's Newsstand & Candy Land

The stand that is currently operated by Michael Chappell has been a neighborhood fixture for reportedly over 75 years, built originally in 1932 as a celebration gesture by a gentleman who just was inducted into the black carpenter's union. As with many in Harlem, the stand's fortunes did falter by mid-century until a street vendor noticed it one day ten years ago. Tired of pushing his cart up and down Lenox Avenue, Michael Chappell sought out the building's owner and soon started business. Customized with Jazz music playing all day and cartoon characters adorning the front, Mr. Chappell is a neighborhood establishment that is threatened by all the city's efforts to make all newsstands completely uniform with new modern structures. Mike's Newsstand and Candy Land is on West 122nd and Lenox Avenue.

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