Friday, February 11, 2011

☞ INTRODUCING: NYC Community Cleanup

We have been asked to get reader input on the pubic sites uptown that might need a little sprucing up. The organization NYC Community Cleanup puts low-level offenders to work repairing conditions of disorder throughout the city in an efficient and supervised manner. They are now looking for a list of locations that could use some major trash and graffiti removal or a paint job. Reader suggestions will be placed on a list for review and folks can check out the groups work on their website:  This could also be good for cash-strapped organizations that need a little help with cleanup on their site.

One of the locations we first had in mind was that corner lot at 117th and FDB.  The above photos shows the progression over the past year and it really is falling apart.  There's some graffiti at the back wall which could be painted but it looks like all the fencing maintenance is probably up to the property owner.


  1. The intersection of 116th and Lexington is always littered with significant amounts of trash on the road and specifically all over the sidewalks. If it was cleaned up the neighborhood might feel a greater sense of ownership. I'd recommend that location for a site cleanup.

  2. How about the 125th street A,B,C,D subway station? Its always filthy and those floors and walls need a scrubbing! The 117th street and FDB lot is privately owned so I am not sure it fits the concept. The best thing to do there is to call 311 to get the owner to clean it up!

  3. So many jobs to do and I am all for having these folks work off their crime and time by serving the community. What I would like to say is that the community also needs to take ownership stop feeling like it is okay to drop that wrapper in the street find a can or wait until you get home and put it in the trash, if you see graffiti ask the owner of the space if they have contacted the city as the city will provide paint. I am all for a community paint session to clean some of the graffiti away.
