Tuesday, November 15, 2011

☞ REMEMBER: The Harlem Storage Warehouse

An advertisement from 1890 shows a fantastic example of how warehouses used to look over a century ago.  All of the classic architectural details reserved for residential buildings and luxury department stores still applied to the most utilitarian of structures as can be seen in the photo.  Today, warehouses are mostly windowless, monolithic structures that most folks would not look at twice. Unfortunately, the block in East Harlem that this particular poster represents does not exist any longer since a public housing project was built on the site sometimes in the mid 20th Century.

Harlem Warehouse ca. 1890 via the digital collection at the Museum of the City of New York

1 comment:

  1. This gorgeous warehouses would have made a nice apartment building conversion with its load bearing floors making very substantial homes. Sorry to hear this was replaced with a housing project.
