Tuesday, April 12, 2011

☞ DWELL: 235 West 122nd Street Brownstone

The house pick for today at 235 West 122nd Street debuted a couple of weeks back for $2.49 million and it now appears to have been pulled off the market in the past 24 hours.  Looking at the renovation photos, this 15 foot wide, single-family townhouse located about a block away from lower FDB seems to have had some major professional design help.  The 3-4 bedroom home with 3.5 baths and 3,240 square foot of space hasn't sat around for long and it is one of the higher priced properties in the Harlem market for a house this size. Either a contract is being worked out or the price is getting some sort of adjustment so stay tuned for the status on this one.


  1. So we just got a tip in that it is up for rent now available 4/15/11 for $6,675/month. That was a quick change of mind...

  2. And already rented. Not surprised...seems like a pretty low rent for a place of that quality and size.
