Monday, October 3, 2011

☞ SEE: Blessing of the Animals 2011

We only got the tail end of the procession for the annual Blessing of Animals at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Morningside Heights this year but got a few images nevertheless. The crowd was much larger than last and the this section of Amsterdam Avenue and 112th Street had bit more variety in creatures than the previous year.  More photos after the jump.

The one newcomer that caught our eye the most was a baby kangaroo that was being held the entire time as the group went the down the church steps. There were the several fowls such as  chicken, duck, turkey or parrot along with larger animals such as the requisite camel and llamas. Other larger animals blessed this year included a yak and donkey. Pet owners also brought their cats and dogs along and the ones that did not make it to the morning mass had a chance to receive animal blessing at the festival the followed in the side courtyard.


  1. And a baby kangaroo. Are they called Joeys? Also Suffregan Bishop Cathy Roskam in truly dreadful vestments (what was she thinking?) and Bishop Mark Sisk in not very much better vestments. Both are retiring this year and hopefully the vestments are also.

  2. What a wonderful occasion. A lot of people, smiles on faces and a beautiful day to go along with it.

  3. The woman holding the joey is Edie Falco, star of The Sopranos and Nurse Jackie. She brought her dog to be blessed.
