Thursday, June 26, 2014


There have been rumors of a possible new condo building arriving to the abandoned corner gas station at 122nd and St. Nicholas for the past 3 years and now it appear that brokers are currently looking for a developer to do so.  We received a tip with a rendering of 300 West 122nd Street that would allow over 200,000 square feet in residential space for either 127-unit condo or a 184-unit rental building.  Basically whoever purchased the land previously has gone through the trouble of getting most of the permits approved and designed a new construction ready for the right developer to come by and invest their dollars. Seeing that a lot of new units in South Harlem are now selling or renting at Upper West Side prices, this might all happen sooner than later.  There will also be an 80/20 element to the new building which means a few affordable units will be on hand.  Here's the PDF with more details: LINK

1 comment:

  1. This to me is good news. We don't need developers tearing down brownstones but I welcome converting empty lots to housing!
