The manufacturing section of Manhttanville that is east of Broadway on 126th Street still has a few shuttered buildings but all are not dormant. On 461 West 126th Street, under some major scaffolding, one will find a colorfully hand painted facade with the letters spelling out Chashama. After some research, we discovered that this orginization works with landlords that have spaces not in use and converts them into studios and artist galleries. The mission started by its founder in 1995 was to set up an orginization that would help artist stay and thrive in the city and keep studio space and galleries affordable. Chashama has 11 locations across New York City and this is their Harlem branch in an old factory between Amsterdam and Convent Avenue. The nearest subways are the 1 or A,B,C,D train at 125th Street. To learn more about Chashama, go to their site:
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