The wood coffered ceilings at the train station on East 125th Street really are a great example of how restoring a traditional space with classic details really compliments a historic interior. The top two photos shows the coffered ceilings with beadboard paneling that are part of the station's restoration 11 years ago. What's brilliant about having the wood paneling is that it both provides the appropriate ceiling finishing but also can hide electrical work and air conditioning ducts. After doing some research, we found a company that provides a drop ceiling version (lower photo) that might be a more affordable option for residential and commerical spaces. The standard drop ceiling that traditionally uses fluorescent tubes really make interior space cold and look like office spaces but sometimes this option is chosen to hide a lot of infrastructure. Drop tin ceilings and the handsome wood panel coffered ceiling might be the better way to go these days as more renovation projects in Harlem are striving for architectural accuracy. Check out the site for more information:
LINK. Metro-North train station photos by Ulysses
Agreed, I’m always impressed with the restored interior of this Metro North Station. It always appeared a little overwhelming to see so much old world craftsmanship that is so fresh and pristine. I presume they gutted the station interior and started over. An excellent example of modern day craftsmanship and a great addition to 125th street.