Tuesday, March 9, 2010

☞ REVIVE: 205 West 119th Street

Another open lot in South Harlem that has had some recent activity on it is at 205 West 119th Street which is just a couple of building west of ACP/7th Avenue. The plywood fence that sits around for months was up around the parcel of land until about a months ago when the heavy machinery started the big dig (top photo). Fast forward to beginning of last week and signs have been placed up stating that affordable housing will be constructed on the sight and the first floor was in place (second photo). By the weekend, another floor was completed so this one should start taking shape quickly (last photo). Apparently the government has been working on some of these smaller lots and have been focusing on contextual, low-level housing that will fit into the residential blocks. All photos by Ulysses


  1. My name is Elaine George-Asaro, I just blogged my whole P.S.10 experiences, but it didn't get posted, What did I do wrong

  2. I graduated from P.S. 10 in Harlem, 6/28/1948. I got the highest mark in Social Studies, and was given an award(a copy of Little Women) I cherish that prize until this day. I covered it in plastic, and the pages are brown.The principal of our school was Mrs Block, ass't. principal was Mr. Mechlemberg, my teacher was Mrs. Kelty. Our school colors were purple and white. Mrs K. had the glee club, and dance club.We had a maypole ceremony, every May 1st.
    in Central Park. We won most years, by braiding the colored(school colors)crepe paper around the maypole, as we danced to it. I learned so much in those six short years.JHS 81, and Wadleigh H.S. followed. I lived at 370 Manhattan Ave. Harlem was regal in those days.
