Tuesday, March 23, 2010

☞ WALK: New Awnings on South Harlem's FDB

We were pleased to see that South Harlem's FDB new condo of the day called the Livmore has been adding some grand metal awnings at their entranceway as we passed by last week. One of the major issues that large constructions have had in the past is the insular nature of the street frontage. New buildings with no existing storefronts turn their backs to the neighborhood and those that do have retail spaces often look like blank walls from the exterior. Nondescript entranceways look a little more formal with awnings extending out into the street which not only add character to the building but also serve a purpose during inclement weather. The bigger metal awnings remind us of prewar grand hotels or apartment complexes which is a good thing since many of today's newer buildings would otherwise look like featureless square boxes.


  1. Passed by this place the other day. Nice looking building. Incredible really to see so much development along FDB. We moved into our brownstone apt on 122nd & ACP around five months ago now with a little trepidation. Five months later we absolutely love it. The neighborhood, the parks, the little hide-away cafes. Now for some decent weather...

  2. @Chris, your trepidation being?

  3. It certainly is, um, inoffensive.

  4. a) Stability of the housing market and b) Schools

    a) Do not care as much b/c won't be moving any time soon and b) Found out a bit more info. about the local charter schools and quite impressed. Recent article in NY Times also highlighted improvement in regular state schools (smaller classes and all that).

    Sanou's Mum...not entirely sure what you mean?

  5. Oh, Chris. didn’t mean your question. Meant the blanding. Uh, building.

  6. Ha, yeah, no worries Sanou's Mum!

  7. Jeff the Harlem GuyMarch 28, 2010 at 1:07 AM

    Do not buy or rent at the Livmor Condos.
    The builder Phillip Morrow is a crook. He is being sued by the owners of the last building he built because of shoddy construction. Don't trust that guy. 2131 FDB. 301 West 115th Street.

  8. I think this is a great addition. It gives a little more variety to the normal flat-fronted building. I don't see any problem with it. I think most places should do it. It would help out on a rainy day too.
