Friday, May 28, 2010

☞ BESPOKE: More Examples of Globe Lights

We referenced 2056 Fifth Avenue in our original post on period-appropriate globe lights and just realized that an apartment building in the Mount Morris Park Historic District had their building lamps restored recently. The pre-war apartment complex on Mount Morris Park West north of 122nd Street has a fresh new row of standing globes that illuminate the sidewalks nicely at night (lower photo). As per the Mount Morris Park Community Improvement Orgranization's suggestion, leaving such lights on at night helps keep the nabe much safer. We actually think it also beautifies the block at night and gives it quite an old-world charm. Happily, one of the owners at 2056 Fifth Avenue recently commented that the building will add their globe lamps in the upcoming months: LINK. Photos by Ulysses


  1. They do look nice, but they also cause light pollution.

  2. If I remember correctly, 111th St. bet. Broadway and Amsterdam has globe lights. If I'm wrong, it's a nice block and worth walking.

  3. The building next door to me on 112th St bet 7th/8th Ave (The Washington Irving) has elaborate globe lights - just beautiful at night. I had no idea they caused light pollution.

  4. It looks pretty. Maybe they have some green technology going on with the bulbs, and is the light disturbing any of the neighbors? I don't see how a couple of lamps could contribute anything to the excessively lit Manhattan.

  5. I like to think I'm reasonably ecologically minded. But first of all, these lights look great. More importantly though, if it makes the area safer to stroll through at night, hallaluleah (sp.)! I love most everything about living in Harlem, except the anxiousness I feel walking dim or poorly lit sidestreets late at night. I'm a little older, more careful and not quite as fast as I used to be.
