Wednesday, July 21, 2010

☞ REMEMBER: 25 West 124th Street circa 1932

There's an open lot just west of 5th Avenue at 124th Street that has us wondering what had stood on the lot at some point in the past (lower photo). The top photo shows two wood frame houses circa 1932 and the single-level building at left seems to have been a garage of some sort. It's really strange to see this spot that faces Marcus Garvey Park go to waste considering that most would consider this a pretty decent location. Does anyone know who owns it or when the houses went down? Another point of interest is the building at to the right which looks like it was originally a true brownstone but had some faux stone siding placed on it in more recent years. Archival photo by NYPL. Current photo by Ulysses


  1. Love the "brakes shimmy" signage.

  2. Walked by this space this morning and there were several men in hard hats there. Maybe something is happening there soon.?

  3. Is it possible that by eliminating the "anonymous" posting we've weeded out the "How dare you call this a good location! You are so anti-Harlem!" poster? Damn i hope so.

    Isn't there something going on at the former con-edison space a few doors down from there? Maybe this is related?
