Friday, July 23, 2010

☞ WALK: Missing Geese at Morningside Park

There are usually at least a half dozen geese roaming the grounds of the waterfall section of Morningside Park's south end but apparently they now seem to be missing. A couple of weeks ago, the New York Times reported on how the government removed 400 geese in Brooklyn's Prospect Park and euthanized them. Apparently for airport safety reasons, the geese (who have been the cause of some plane accidents) are now deemed a safety hazard for New York City.

So the ducklings at Morningside Park (lower photo) were starting to shed their juvenile feathers and now folks are saying that the waterfowl have been missing in the past week. We were by the pond a couple of days ago and noticed only the turtles swimming around. Has anyone heard any news? Read more about what happened to the Brooklyn Canadian Geese in the New York Times: LINK. UPDATE: SOME GEESE HAVE RETURNED BUT IT LOOKS LIKE A SMALLER GROUP WITH NO GOSLINGS SO THEY MIGHT NOT BE THE ORIGINAL SET THAT DISAPPEARED OVER A WEEK AGO.


  1. They were the lunch special at that new Chinese place near Columbia U.

  2. Plot thickens. M7 bus driver telling tale of seeing a man in a canoe paddling under the waterfall. Goosenapper?

  3. There was just a tip that the geese have returned recently so we will have an update later in the day.

  4. Turns out the NY Times reported that Prospect Park Geese have also just returned as of yesterday. They are all new out-of-towners and not the original set so this must be what's happening at Morningside Park.

  5. I demand the return of the goslings! Accept no substitutes!

  6. well now the ny times is reporting this:

    State Plans to Eliminate 170,000 Canada Geese

  7. These geese are fearless ! Whenever I am in NYC I so jogging in the park. I love it, except the crazy guy that sings sometimes...The geese can be aggressive..I prefer the turtles who sun on the rocks like works of art....Having said that I don't want them killed !!

  8. Of course they are fearless and aggressive. They are HARLEM Canadian geese!

  9. Geese are great. Save the geese!

  10. Give it up for the Morningside Park turtles too, now..

    They are Harlem Turtles....Beautiful, durable and ageless ! AND THEY KNOW HOW TO THEIR STUFF IN THE SUMMER !

  11. Harlem turtles rock! Slowly.
