We reported last October that 111 Central Park North condo owners were trying to block major fast food tenants from arriving at the empty prime corner store since a deli and a Subway had already arrived at the Lenox Avenue side spaces:
LINK. Nothing has since arrived but peering in last week, we noticed there's some major graffiti up on one of the center walls (last photo). We looked up the artist and he actually has a large range of work documented around town. The 111 CPN mural is actually one of the better ones we have seen in some time with a nice graphic rendering of a jazz trumpet player as the main focus (click to enlarge). Was this commissioned by the condo association? All photos by Ulysses
I used to live on 111th St until last month, and during my walk to the 2/3, I used to see this. I think it's been there for a couple of months or so? It is indeed very nice.
ReplyDeleteI remember wondering if someone had gotten in there without permission to do that (perhaps through an unlocked door), but it looks a bit too finished to be real graffiti. Glad to have more info!
(Now I live on Lenox, near 125, so I'm still here!)
I can't imagine a condo board green-lighting this as it looks like the typical vandalism/graffiti that plagues Harlem.
ReplyDeleteI personally think that if the 111 Central Park North commissioned this work (which from the angle in which it was taken in the photo above doesn't not clearly show the trumpeter's full portrait) then they deserve accolades and major cool points. It's a clear contrast from the "rich elitists types" pre-labeling attitude one might have when describing owners in a building whose cheapest unit started at around 1.3M.
ReplyDeleteThat said, If it WAS commissioned by the Board I'm certain that not all 100% of the owners were in accordance and that many unfortunately share Bob's view above. If it wasn't authorized, well then they really should consider it a keeper before voting to replace it with a Water Lilles repro.
I say bravo!
It's been there for long enough that it was certainly done with permission or commissioned. Could have been done by the agents trying to lease the space but would not have been allowed without permission from the developers who still hold the lease on the space. From what i understand many of the owners in that building are "creative" types, not stuck up upper east side types, so they are likely not on Bob's team.
ReplyDelete'the "rich elitists types" ????
gee, a year ago in a better market than today, condos sold there for less than $700 ppsf. most people there are probably just regular 'ol Manhattan people, a cross section. There is a ton of inventory on the market in Harlem that is far more expensive than $700 ppsf. i don't think one would assume the people at this bldg are rich elitist types, heck, they did move to harlem.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit that I finally agree with you on something.
I like it.
ReplyDeleteI live a block away from the building. There was some sort of event in the raw space a couple of months ago - music, mingling, etc. and that's when the mural appeared. I don't know what the event was for, but it seemed like maybe it was an open house to show the space. I was surprised that they kept the mural up... they've earned cool points for that.