Friday, November 19, 2010

☞ READ: Bibi Salon & Harlem Retail Rent

We actually quite liked the fact that a better salon opened up on FDB/8th Avenue (at 120th) this past August and a recent Uptowner article caught up with the new boutique and talked about rent rates in the area.  Bibi Salon owner Maisha Stephens wanted to have a diverse clientele when deciding on picking a location for her new business and Harlem did not come to mind in the beginning.  After seeing the new retail and the population growth in South Harlem, the salon owner and many others have quickly changed their minds about setting up along the FDB corridor.  Another perk was the substantially lower rents in the area compared to the rest of the city which has also helped moved things along.  According to the article, lower FDB has an average monthly asking of $45-$55 per square foot, while the upper West Side apparently is going for double the cost at $90-$125 per square foot and the Broadway section by Columbia University (from 110th-116th Street) is currently ask $200-$250 per square foot.  Get more details in the Uptowner: LINK


  1. Walked by today and looked like they were preparing for a launch party. Can't wait to stop by!

  2. Maisha is a fabulous stylist. Every time she cuts my hair into a fierce bob, people on the street stop me and ask "WHO CUT YOUR HAIR?" She's the best. Congrats on the salon.

  3. Bibi is amazing i cut my hair there and LOVE IT!
