Sunday, April 24, 2011

☞ BESPOKE: Easter Sunday in Harlem c. 1940

Arthur Fellig published a candid photograph book of New York in 1945 called Naked City.  Going under the name Weegee, the photographer capture some graphic images of the city but the famous one in Harlem shows more festive times:

"I spotted this happy man coming out of the church ... he told me that he was a clothing salesman ... and that every Easter Sunday he puts on his full dress suit."

There's not a lot of top hats and coattails worn by the men in Harlem anymore but folks still take dressing up for church very seriously.  As far as womenswear goes, Easter bonnets are still in high fashion for the holiday season and are just as dramatic.


  1. Yes! and you showed off your Easter Finery by strolling up and down Lenox Ave in the Easter Parade.

  2. Just look at those beautiful people !! I LOVE the HATS !!!!

  3. love the young man at the right in the fedora and trenchcoat
