Saturday, June 18, 2011

☞ SNEEK PEEK: Harlem Tavern in Time Out

Time Out New York has got the first look inside the new Harlem Tavern which apparently will not be open for Father's Day.  The FDB beer garden at the corner of 116th Street will offer 80 different types of beer and has promised to be open by Friday the 25th.  More photos of the striking interior in Time Out: LINK


  1. Probably just me but I find this a bit disappointing. I don't want to sit at a long trestle table with a bunch of beer swilling, probably drunk strangers. I DO want to sit around a round table with probably drunk friends not necessarily drinking beer. And I don't want to sop it up with faux German man food.

    I guess we shall see.

  2. SM: The photos seem to show a pretty good diversity of seating options - the longer tables are really just an extension of the bar area. There are smaller tables both inside and out -- and I'm sure they'll push them together if your party is more than 4.

    As for the handful of food items mentioned in the article, I think we've got to withhold judgement until we at least see a menu. And perhaps I've got a bit of Y-chromosome-related myopia, but "cedar-plank-grilled salmon" and "Moroccan-spiced lamb burger" don't exactly strike me as particularly man-ish food (much less German).

    Based on these few photos, the aesthetics of the inside are better than I expected (even before the installation of the 20 taplines).

  3. CBR--once again you try and rein on my unsupported snap judgements. It won't work. I prefer to act before I think. Saves time.

  4. @ Sanou's Mum: If it makes you feel any better, its been reported that Harlem Tavern will also have cocktails with names like Banana Sidecar, Harlem Sunset and Scottish Mule.

    Those names dont sound too manly to me but I guess a drink named after a highlands contriband trafficker does sound pretty tough :)

    Im holding out for the Welsh Bagman myself :)

  5. And now that I see the photo on my computer and not my iPhone I see you are correct. As usual. They do have plenty of smaller tables.

  6. @Vic. All I want out of life, well, out of this place, is a decently priced gin and tonic in the Summer and a ditto Scotch in the Winter and some affordable pub grub.

  7. SM: I'm 100% with you on that last sentiment...
