Tuesday, September 20, 2011

☞ REVIVE: Collapse at 125th Demolition Site

Anyone who has any fears about walking under construction scaffolding might not want to read about this current event.  The demolition of the old buildings on the northwest side of 125th Street and FDB/8th Avenue was almost complete with only less than two floors standing when the scaffolding collapsed this morning onto the street below. Debris rained down on a passing MTA bus on 8th Avenue 125th Street and there have been minor injuries reported at this point.  The top photo shows the site a couple of weeks back but the demolition progress was even more advanced at this point. Most of the avenues and blocks around FDB and 125th Street have been closed off as can be seen in the lower photo.


  1. As we know, that is a VERY busy corner and thanks be there weren’t more and more serious injuries.

  2. So true, I walked by that corner at least four times a week this summer ! What about the vender's selling stuff under the scaffolding ? I don't trust scaffolding...it has been in front of my building for years !!
