Tuesday, December 13, 2011

☞ REVIVE: Blue Glass at old Verizon Building

The old Verizon building at 148 West 125th Street has been under scaffolding for most of the year and now the newly converted space has a new look.  This building just east of ACP/7th Avenue used to have reflective amber mirror glass on the entire front facade but now a new blue color has revealed itself in the past week.  An Orvis ORVA shoe store has already opened on the lower floor while the top floors will now be offices. Check out what the building looked like over a year ago in our past post: LINK


  1. Very 70s. And not in a good way.

  2. yeah, @jbucko. I’m trying to place Orvis shoes. Aren’t they outdoorsy-things?

  3. Just what the neighborhood needed: yet another outlet for Ugg boots...

    I suppose I should be happy it isnt another Metro PCS place.

  4. Baffled. How many UGGz can one store sell?!
