Wednesday, January 9, 2013

☞ READ: Mount Morris Watchtower in the News

A New York Daily News article reveals that the Mount Morris Fire Watchtower is in danger of collapsing.  The structure that was built in 1850 at the highest peak on Mount Morris Park is an official city landmark but the Parks Department has not restored it for many decades.  Now $4.5 million is needed to renovate the Harlem relic but only $325,000 will be provided at this point to stabilize the structure. Read more about the plight of the watchtower in the Daily News: LINK

For a photo of what the tower originally looked like, check out our past post: LINK


  1. It is very important to save the tower. I made a donation to the Mount Morris Park Community Improvement Association (MMPCIA) . If they can raise some funds from the community they can illustrate the communities desire to save the tower and apply for city and state funds. I think if you go on their site there is a place to donate specifically for the tower.

  2. Why is it important to save the tower, Connie Lee? I'm asking because i genuinely don't understand why and would love to get your perspective, or anyone else who believes it's important. To be honest, i'm not sure the MMPCIA is capable of doing much to save anything. They are a great little community association, but we are talking millions of dollars here...

  3. 4.5 million dollars? Is that a joke?

    1. To start again and rebuild with new steelwork, it should not cost millions, to repair old caste iron elements would be expensive.

  4. In many other parts of the city this would be renovated, no questions asked. But, of course, it also would have been maintained better by the Parks Dept. if it was in a different neighborhood. As Harlem's population 'changes' though, look for the city (eventually, once it catches up to the changes that have happened) to start treating the area with more respect. Since... ummm... lighter complected areas always get treated better. But will it be too late for this piece of history?

  5. You're actually wrong because there were others throughout the city and they just got plain torn down.
