Monday, May 6, 2013

☞ REVIVE: Last Demolitions in Manhattanville

The big storage facility at the west end of the new Columbia University Manhattanville campus was one of the last holdouts who refused to sell but now that building is currently being demolished.  This will be one of the last structures in old industrial Manhattanville to be razed to make way for a new glass campus courtesy of the uptown Ivy League institution.  There are few structures left further north and along broadway but this section by 12th Avenue will now be completely clear and ready for all new construction.

1 comment:

  1. I looked out the window and noticed it last evening. I was shocked. Columbia gave us air conditioners so we are not disturbed by the construction. It has been quiet, but we are in the very early stages of the Science City being built right outside our window.
