Monday, June 4, 2018


Harlem Bespoke: Serengeti Teas on FDB by 122nd Street opened up back in 2013 but has vacated the retail storefront this past spring because of a rent hike.  Interestingly enough, a coffee shop has been planning to open right next door but not much appears to be happening there as of late.  For those who want a fix of Harlem's best artisanal teas, make sure to check out the new Serengeti Kitchen on East 125th Street: LINK 2018

1 comment:

  1. The number of rent hikes in the neighborhood should be concerning as they don't seem to be being replaced with the speed landlords are expecting. When you have businesses that leave to go to UWS because the rents here are too high, there's a huge disconnect between what landlords think their storefronts are worth and what the street traffic will generate in income. We already have too many restaurants that are way overpriced but they have to be to make up for the lack of turnover.
