Monday, September 23, 2019


Harlem Bespoke: As the city's populations grows, being green and sustainable has been a major concern in many communities on the local, industrial or commercial levels.  Green Harlem is a new feature on Harlem Bespoke which will explore various options, plans and main users of the initiative for a more sustainable focus on how we live.

We walked by the new Harlem Grown garden on 127th street just east of Lenox and noticed that there were signs for compost drop offs.  Composting is one of the individual ways households can help reduce carbon emissions and the the organic material helps fertilize the local crops being grown at Harlem Green.  Leftover vegetable matter would otherwise go into huge garbage landfills which will all emit enormous amounts of carbon dioxide as everything decays.  This does not happen in an agricultural setting since everything is used as nutrients by the plants before any chance of carbon dioxide release.   Local farmers markets, farm shares or Urban Garden Center by East 116th Street will also have other resources if this one is too far away of a location for those interested. 2019

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