Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Harlem Bespoke:  The New York Times just confirmed that brokers also have a limit on what can be charged on an apartment application fee.  There apparently was a grey area in the new Housing Stability and Tenant Act signed by Governor Cuomo on July 1st of this years since one of the new regulations included placing a cap of $20 for landlords on any application.  But what about brokers?  Apparently a few charged up to $400 an application and just signing up to get a new apartment could cost hundreds or even thousands just for filling out paperwork.  Everything now has been clarified and the law also includes brokers so those who had exorbitant applications from the start of July can get a refund.  Another point to note is that an interested renter can also have any fee waived if documentations for a background check and current credit score are provided to the landlord or broker. More details in the New York Times: LINK

HarlemBespoke.com 2019

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