Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Harlem Bespoke:  We took a walk around Marcus Garvey Park this past weekend when the sun was out and noticed that most of the early morning joggers had masks on which was a big improvement from our earlier experience a couple of weeks back.  With this new appreciation came a sense of dread when we heard a loud, throat clearing cough next to us and turned around to see a dog walker just passing by without a mask within less than six feet distance.  Getting up early to walk a dog is such tough work but if one can put on a jacket then a scarf around the face should not be any extra effort.  The pathways around the parks are just too narrow for the amount of pedestrian traffic that is happening these days so the mayor has now announced that over 100 miles of open streets will debut around green spaces in the coming weeks.  This is definitely a much needed amenity since walking in the streets pretty much happens a lot if one is really keeping six foot apart from others: LINK

HarlemBespoke.com 2020

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