Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Harlem Bespoke:  Someone mention to us that the City College campus north of 135th Street between Amsterdam and Convent Avenue was still open to the public and was less crowded than strolling in some of the local parks.  We usually walk  through at the main entrance from Amsterdam by 139th Street but took the central route through Convent Avenue yesterday when it was still sunny. Some of the newer construction over the decades can be found at the southern end but the gem of the college is the original neo-gothic architecture built in 1906 which is thankfully fully intact for the most part.

The charcoal grey stone of the historic buildings might look familiar to some since the rock was actually quarried from the mountainous local parks. Against the bright, new green buds of April, everything looked quite magical but be forewarned that the few younger folks who tend to be around apparently did not think that wearing a mask was important.  On a final note, some might find it interesting that there used to be a breathtaking greek stadium where those aforementioned new buildings are currently standing but the uptown landmark was torn down by the early 1970s:  LINK 2020

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