Wednesday, March 30, 2022


Harlem Bespoke: We never thougth to see the day when the empty lot on Frederick Douglass just north of 127th Street would finally be filled in but that is definitely starting to happen now.  There was an abandoned 6-story tenement building on site that was demolished back in 2012 so it has been about 10 years since any activity has taken place.  Apparently the foundation is currently being worked on and there was a rendering on the plywood out front. 
Everything was originally set to finish up in Fall 2021 but these deadlines really never appear to be accurate.  A total of 12 floors will rise eventually and this looks like it could possible be a condo development since the exterior is a little more thought out.  With that said, this block will be fully restored upon completion of this latest development.  Check out our past post for an image of the former building and the even larger empty lot next door: LINK

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