Thursday, March 31, 2022


History Now exhibit,  Photo archives of Rose Deler on view January 13th, 2022 - April 3rd, 2022, at Morris-Jumel Mansion, 65 Jumel Terrace betweend 160th and 161st Street. The Morris-Jumel Mansion opens a new exhibition, History Now, by Washington Heights artist, Rose Deler, featuring a selection of large-format, black and white film portraits depicting the residents and architecture of one of New York's most historic - and unexplored - neighborhoods, the Jumel Historic District in Washington Heights.

History Now features twenty photographs, fifteen contemporary digitally-printed portraits taken using 4” x 5” and Roliflex medium format film cameras and select photographs from a family photo album dating from 1901 of the Ettlinger Family, who lived on 162nd Street.  RSVP for free self-guided tour of the museum exhibit: LINK

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