Tuesday, April 20, 2010

☞ SEE: Just Wingin' It on the Discovery Channel

The new Construction Intervention show on the Discovery Channel will focus on South Harlem's own Just Wingin' It in tonight's episode. The second show in the series will feature NYC firefighter Walter Lewis' business on 118th Street and FDB/8th Avenue as it goes through an extreme makeover. Harlem Bespoke was first on the scene during demolition day back in January, and now the episode will officially air tonight at 10:00 PM. Check out all our past posts and get a preview of the new Just Wingin' It: LINK


  1. I guess the 3 of us were up at 1am when it came on.
    I have to check that place out.

  2. Actually it came on at 2200PM and was pretty good. I am so happy for Walter, I hope Just Wingin' It becomes all that he wants it to be for him and for the surrounding community. And this from a die-hard Raw Vegan.
