Tuesday, April 20, 2010

☞ READ: The WSJ Harlem House Reno Update

We walk by the Wall Street Journal editor's house on West 123rd Street (that is undergoing some major renovations) on a pretty regular basis, but it is Ms. Angwin's article that keeps us informed on what's happening on the inside. The former SRO had all of its original details but the concern of old lead paint on everything caused the demise of the majority of rare fireplace mantels, and now it seems like everything else but the original staircases have been tossed out. Most historic home advocates will tell homeowners that keeping the original details will help in the future value of the property, but some folks want brand new on the inside of there homes so it's all about personal taste. Check out the current slide show of the gut renovations on the WSJ site: LINK. Check our original post when the contractors first started the renovations: LINK. Photos by Katie Orlinksy.


  1. It is interesting to compare this renovation project with a NY Times town house renovation story in the West Village downtown, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/18/realestate/18habi.html?ref=realestate, both had similar starting points, but I suspect our Harlem house will have a much bigger price tag, will be finished quicker and with a massive loss of historic detail when all is said and done. One of the most impressive feats of the West Village renovation was the owner researched online and ordered glossy black wrought-iron railings from China, now that is thinking outside the box and I defy most contractors to be able to provide that kind of budget minded and historically correct solution. Most contractors unfortunately and instinctively, when faced with a problem they do not understand, simply move he problem to the dumpster and replace it with some home depot modern version.

  2. Before reading the link I was willing to give this couple the benefit of the doubt for completely destroying the interior of this house. After all, it IS their house.

    Having read the link—uh. . . what a pair of whiners.

  3. Brilliant as I'm certain Ms Angwin is (being an editor for WSJ and all,) she understood there needs to be some sort of interesting angle to writing another article on the progress of her renovation. The battle of the sexes beaten path was the quick and easy choice. However, I do agree that she came off sounding like a whiner indeed.

    Am I alone in that I couldn't bring myself to empathize with the woe-is-me inconveniences of putting her foot down and opting to eat out, refusing to use the dishwasher but only once a day even if it's what normal eco-conscious New Yorkers do? What kind of company do you keep when your friends are "mortified" when you pull out the paper plates? Gasp! It's Armageddon!

    She made the executive decision of "No more cleaning" until renovations are over. With a house cleaner that visits only once a week, I'd hate to see the squalor those poor children have to endure.

    Here's a tip for the chapped hands: rubber gloves while doing dishes will help to restore those babies back to their ultra soft finely privileged condition.

    By the tone of this article, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if Ms Angwin has any intention whatsoever in acclimating to her new Harlem neighborhood and relating to her new neighbors, she's going to have a pretty rough road ahead of her. In the meantime, I hope her "paper plate" friends are willing to visit north of 96th Street.

  4. Comparing renovation jobs again, the owner of the NY Times West Village story renovation http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/18/realestate/18habi.html?ref=realestate likely knows every floorboard in his house. While with this Harlem renovation, every floor board is in the dumpster. But in both cases, I admire their resolve as it is a huge undertaking and a one way journey into the unknown to take on these projects. Once you start an undertaking like this there is no turning back.

  5. Z-lister you are the absolute best! Right On!
