Monday, September 12, 2011

☞ INTRODUCING: New York Confidential/Harlem

A reader mentioned that a German series on New York City had a whole episode on Harlem and it turns out to be really well done.  It is interesting to see the European take on the neighborhood since tourists are always flocking uptown on the weekend to check out the history, architecture, music, arts and food. Even though mostly in German, one can really understand what is going on since the visual narrative is so strong.  This is probably one of the first modern documentaries on Harlem that actually captures the beauty of the brownstone neighborhoods and culture because of the quality of the production.


  1. Here it is in English:

  2. For some reason, the english version is not available for uploading. The link provided shows about half of the documentary. Thanks.

  3. Can you please post the German link? Thank you.

  4. You can also switch the language to French if you want

  5. AFineLyne, just press play in the above image. It's a little hard to see but the video is embedded in this post.

  6. It really was a well done program. I enjoyed it.

  7. I really loved it. I'd love to get an english version of it.

  8. Beautiful and accurate representation of Harlem, the Europeans seem to get Harlem.
