The hole of all hole in the wall Mexican restaurants with great food can be found on the outskirts of Morningside Heights. Taqueria Y Fonda at 968 Amsterdam Ave, between 107th and 108th Street, always looked packed with a young college crowd so we decided to see what it was all about this past weekend. The main store space is a cramped kitchen area with the grill up front at the entrance and some small tables in the back. There's also a separate dining area (opened during busier hours) next door that is not connected to the main space. We ordered the basic tacos and they came out in huge portions with hot grilled double tortillas as a wrap. Each one is basically the equivalent of two tacos so we noted that a couple would do for the next time around. The flavors are all heavy and home cooked here so we were really pleasantly surprised at the quality and quantity of the food. The chips that came out prior to the meal were definitely freshly prepared, and that was a first for us at a Mexican restaurant uptown. Taqueria Y Fonda is worth checking out if food is the priority but those seeking ambiance should steer clear. The closest subway to this location is the 1 or B,C line at 110th Street. Photos by Ulysses
This place is amazing, we've been eating there for years. Just try to avoid the peak hours like Fri and Sat night when its overcrowded with columbia students. Their breakfast food is also pretty good.