Wednesday, May 12, 2010

☞ DWELL: 4 West 123rd Street in Contract

After two months on the market, the landmark brownstone at 4 West 123rd Street is in contract. The 17 foot wide, single family, 2,547 square foot home seems to have all the details intact on the interior end, and the exterior has one of the most striking oriels in the Mount Morris Park Historic District. The original asking price was $1.8 million and so we will have to see what it actually sold for when those records come out. There weren't that many open houses for this one but from the looks of the interior photos, it looks like it's in pretty good condition. Did anyone get to take a look at it? House photo by Ulysses


  1. It was not on the market long so my guess is not too far from asking.

  2. Gorgeous, at least from these photos.

  3. Definitely gorgeous from pics. My guess is kitchen/bathrooms need a bit of work as they were not shown. Also, a beautiful street ..

  4. Gorgeous block!

  5. Pass that place nearly every day on my way home. One of the nicest blocks in the neighborhood.

  6. Its actually closer to 3400 sq ft

  7. Swung by on my way to the library. Front door is terrific, too. I mean, that whole block is fabulous until you get to the corner of Lenox and there’s the whack “Obama is a member of the Taliban” church. Now featuring plastic American flags stuck in the flower beds. There was a cop car outside but it was unclear if they were there for protection or just hangin’.
