Friday, May 21, 2010

☞ READ: East Harlem & Upper East Side Merging?

It now seems that brokers are starting to promote anything from 110th Street to 96th Street as an extension of the Upper East Side. The real estate section of the New York Times yesterday focused on buying in the Upper East Side and had some interesting trends emerging with the part of town that borders East Harlem. The official cut off point to East Harlem, at the south end, is technically at 96th Street and now it seems that developments along this outer edge of the Upper East Side are trying to sell as the less expensive option to buildings five blocks further south.

We walked by one of the new developments on 98th and Lexington (top photo) last week and noted the juxtaposition of the different decades. The lower photo shows the huge parking lot that used to be at this corner (at right) and one can see the old tenement buildings in the background and the mid century housing project to the left. Does anyone know anything about this building? It looks pretty new at this point and there's a huge amount of retail at the street level that's available. Read more about the border differentiations on the East Side in the NY Times: LINK


  1. Taking the bus up Madison Ave, the transition that takes place after 96th Street is just incredibly stark. Much more than is the case with the Upper West Side / Manhattan Valley / Morningside / etc.

    Although it looks like the reality on the ground is in fact changing, there's still a long way to go until the level of development and integration is comparable.

  2. I think that building was designed by SLCE architects

  3. I like East Harlem but see this as way behind too. It has the highest densitiy of projects in the city. I think socioeconomic diversity is good so I think having some low-income housing adds to the character ... but in East Harlem it's overwhelming and there are entire swaths of areas that can't have much retail for this reason. I do love the gritty feel though and there is some great food.
