Thursday, May 20, 2010

☞ READ: Latest NYC Crime Map for 2010

New York Magazine has a follow up story on the murder rate that has slightly increased this year for the entire New York City metro area. The above map shows what's going on in each precinct and the more intense shades of orange indicate more activity. From this map (click to enlarge), it looks like Hell's kitchen is the only darker orange area in Manhattan. The murder rate in New York City is at its lowest in forty years and the slight spike in the beginning of the 2010 has many concerned. Check out the New York Magazine article for more details on this crime trend: LINK.


  1. I attended the 28th precinct community meeting last week on 5/12. It was incredibly informative: different officers gave detailed updates on murders, larcenies, etc. They also urged people to write down their specific crime concerns and promised that "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." Commissioner R. Kelly was the guest speaker which was a surprise. I was able to even speak directly with the head of the precinct, Deputy Inspector Harrison about my concerns. I had never been to a police precinct meeting before but I found it to be a great experience.

  2. Anon, thanks for the report on the precinct meeting, and thanks for taking a more active role than the other 99%. We should all do our best to get involved to the maximum extent possible.
