Wednesday, May 12, 2010

☞ REVIVE: 2066 Fifth Avenue Reno in Progress

We took the top photo of Fifth Avenue, between 127th and 128th Street about a year ago and always wondered what was going on with the vacant building in middle of the block. When we passed by number 2066 Fifth Avenue a few weeks back, we noticed that some scaffolding had been placed up front and work seemed to be in progress (center photo). Then again, upon closer inspection, a stop work order was in place because of some debris issues (lower photo). The good news is that the DOB records show that the entire building will be converted into a multiple dwelling building sometimes in the future (with penthouse) and this section of Harlem will be getting one more restored building. Let's hope the violation gets cleared quickly! Photos by Ulysses.


  1. This little area above 125th on 5th ave is easily the most beautiful section of Harlem. East and west of here contains some beautiful streets.

    Disclosure: I own on Madison & 128th.

  2. Another great renovation that will add to the allure of Harlem's High Five neighborhood.

  3. Please stop that. At least come up with an acronym with a geographical or street reference like everyone else does. This sounds like a five year old came up with it.
