Wednesday, November 10, 2010

☞ REMEMBER: The Lady's Row at Sylvan Terrace?

We had to cover Sylvan Terrace again after a reader was excited about seeing the Washington Heights landmark mews on the HBO show Boardwalk Empire.  The tip reminded us of our original post on Sylvan Terrace homeowner Felicia de Chabris who mentioned back in July that film crews were on hand this past summer to use the entire street for one of the upcoming episodes of the Prohibition Era drama: LINK.  But what was the context?

The lower two screen shots reveals a mistress of one of the main Boardwalk Empire characters being ushered off to the hidden block at West 160th and St. Nicholas Avenue which was apparently where married men shacked up their extramarital lovers on the show. Based on Washington Heights blogger Matthew Gallaway, locals have whispered in the past that the street was indeed formerly notable for housing a few working girls back in the day: LINK.  So is this art imitating life?  Nowadays, the charming street is definitely no longer of ill repute and many of the homes have been lovingly restored in the most recent decade.

1 comment:

  1. Since the fictional liason in Boardwalk Empire takes place in Atlantic City, not New York, we feel free to ignore any aspersions that might have been cast on this lovely location.
