Saturday, January 8, 2011

☞ INTRODUCING: 423 West 141st in the Times

A couple of readers were wondering about the new owners of 423 West 141st Street that recently sold this past November and the New York Times "The Hunt" article caught up with the couple this weekend. Former Upper West Side renters Xavier Joly and Emilie Johnson figured that it was time to buy a home but when comparing the price of 2-bedroom apartments in their former nabe to that of buying a house uptown, Harlem won out at the end. The Royal Tenenbaums house with all its quirky historic character came to mind for Mr. Joly (who is a French expat) and the couple eventually found that the single family, 20 foot wide corner house at Hamilton Terrace fit the bill. These two are also from very large families and wanted to find space big enough so that they can start one of their own.  Check out the article for more details on the buyers' search and slide show of the interior in the Times site: LINK.  Interior photo courtesy of Emilie Johnson.


  1. Great story and inspired by the Tenenbaums, I am sure this couple will be good stewards for this magnificent home and it will be safely preserved as a single family with all its details for future generations. Also beautiful chandelier, mantle and paneling in the photo.

  2. In the article the buyers mention “the magic square” in Harlem, between 110th and 125th Streets, do we need another micro neighborhood name to argue over.

  3. Beautiful building.

    @ Westsider. . .no, no we don’t. So let’s not give utterance to it.

  4. I have been following the Harlem Bespoke's blog since the beginning of that "hunt" and I am very happy to be eventually featured here too ;-)

    Most of the interior pictures featured in the article are actually from Emilie Johnson's (

    This house is a dream and it has certainly been fun to get some of the great feedback from the NYTimes article.

  5. Thanks Xavier for all the feedback. We have corrected the photo credit accordingly. Welcome to the neighborhood!
