Monday, March 7, 2011

☞ SHOP: The 467 West 125th Storefront

We did a feature in the past on possibly the only remaining wood frame houses left on 125th Street but never noticed the old school signage at number 467 (top photo). There is also some vinyl siding on this pair of houses just east of Amsterdam that a least show some effort in getting an original aesthetic back in order at one point in time but that was done quite some time ago.  The deli shop below has since gone through some renovations and contextual is definitely not on the minds of the proprietors. For some reason, stamped, polished steel siding (with that foot traction texture found on the back bumpers of semi trucks) seem to be showing up at every bodega in greater Harlem.  Most of these storefronts originally had panel moldings and cornices but never were replaced as the shops deteriorated.  Decades later, it seems that shop owners now just pick from a standard industrial catalog and thus the uninspired renovations. Check out our past post to see these houses in their original condition: LINK

1 comment:

  1. such a shame when they turn storefronts into flat-ass fronts. I know it gives them more selling space but certainly it must be worth something to be distinguishable from your neighbour. Well, perhaps not for a bodega but for almost any other retail store visual interest must have some currency.
