Friday, May 6, 2011

☞ REMEMBER: Spider-Man's First Harlem Visit

This week's filming of the new Spider-Man movie had everyone talking about the Manhattanville Viaduct's close up but apparently this is not the first time that industrial West Harlem has made an appearance in the franchise.  The lower image shows the train scene from the second Spiderman movie released in 2004 at the point when the superhero falls off the train and actually lands slightly further east at around 133rd Street. One can see the Warren-Nash Building visible under the tracks at Broadway adjacent to the tell-tale gated lot and gas station. Tenement buildings that still stands today can be seen on the left side of the image and a wide screen version shows the large warehouse on the west side of the street: LINK.  The only difference in this first appearance was probably that it had a computer generated Spider-Man on site and not actual actors or stuntmen.

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