Monday, October 15, 2012

☞ DWELL: 262 West 136th Street Sold in June

Number 262 West 136th Street arrived on the market last November, went into contract earlier in 2012 and public records now show that the townhouse sold in June.  This 18 foot wide, 2-family building located just east of FDB/8th Avenue started out at $1.25 million, would then be reduced to $1.1 million before a contract went out and finally sold for $999K.

There appeared to be quite a lot of original details in the Central Harlem home but the kitchen looked dismally renter's grade so the lower final selling price would account for this situation.  Location wise, the subway is only a block away and the commercial corridor of 125th Street is only a stop south.  St. Nicholas Park is also within a short walking distance from this property.

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