Thursday, November 7, 2013

☞ REVIVE: Macy's Passes on 125th Street

Some news outlets yesterday intimated that Macy's was arriving on 125th Street but a DNAinfo article further clarifies the fact that the retail giant is no longer in negotiations for that said anchor commercial space: LINK

Folks are also confusing this development with the Whole Foods Building yet to break ground further east on the corner of Lenox.  This parcel is actually the group of low level stores above the underground parking lot located on the north side of 125th Street just east of the towering state office building.  The National Urban League will have its headquarters there along with a civil rights museum and mixed income housing.  Check out the rendering of the planned new building in our past post: LINK


  1. This is notably the second time Macy's has tried to negotiate commercial space on 125th Street. A stalled new building on an empty lot by Park Avenue was the other location.

  2. Hi Ulysses - do you have any updates on Whole Foods?
