Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Harlem Bespoke: As the city's populations grows, being green and sustainable has been a major concern in many communities on the local, industrial or commercial levels.  Green Harlem is a new feature on Harlem Bespoke which will explore various options, plans and main users of the initiative for a more sustainable focus on how we live.

We stopped by 9 Tails coffee shop on 126th Street just west of Fifth Avenue recently and noticed a unique takeout cup design for the iced drinks.  The lid had a sipping opening like one would find on a soda can and no straws are needed.  Another exciting thing about the disposable container is that it is all made naturally out of plant materials and will decompose in the ground.  This new clear cup can only be used with cold drinks since it disintegrates when the temperature hits above 105 degrees but coffee shops always have the paper option for the hot brew.  Since takeaway cool drinks are a big trend now, hopefully more local businesses will start getting rid of harmful single use plastics and invest in biodegradable alternatives. More on 9 Tails can be found in our past post: LINK 2020

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