Monday, March 15, 2021


Harlem Bespoke: We received a lovely tip about a new gareden shop over at the former vintage store on at the corner of 118th Street and took the above photos over the weekend.  Thank you to all who have emailed us in the past decade and help keep the neighborhood informed.  Check out the details below: 

A new garden shop opened at the North West corner of ACP and 118th Street. I believe it is called United Garden Center - no signage up yet. It is owned by the family that owns the United Hardware store across from Harlem Tavern. They are open 10-8 every day.  It's exciting to see new things opening as - hopefully - Covid fades away between vaccines and spring on the way!

After such an unbelievably catastrophic past year, it is nice to hear from everyone and see folk in the neighborhood looking forward to a new start. 

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