Friday, December 10, 2021


Harlem Bespoke: As the city's populations grows, being green and sustainable has been a major concern in many communities on the local, industrial or commercial levels.  Green Harlem is a feature on Harlem Bespoke which will explore various options, plans and main users of the initiative for a more sustainable focus on how we live.

There are biodegradable plastic alternatives out there for coffee cups but sometimes it is hard for the consumer to tell what they are getting.  One uptown coffeeshop found a solution that we thought was kind of genius since it is very clear that the containers here are quite earth-friendly.  Buuni is an Ethiopian coffee shop in The Heights by 187th Street which uses these incredible paper lids and maybe one of the only places that really uses them in the city.  They look really cool and are a nice alternative to all the plastics out there that are mostly single-use. Statistically on about 10 percent of all plastics ever gets recycled and lids are basically single-use anyways.  Hopefully we will see more of this type of conscientious containers in great Harlem going forward in the future as businesses switch to a more earth friendly business model. Check out our past post on the clear cups made from corn that one Harlem coffee shop has ended up using: LINK

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