Friday, April 22, 2022


Documentary Makers Lab for teens at Maysles Cinema, 343 Lenox Avenue by 127th Street. Applications are due on May 10th, 2022!  The TDM Summer Lab meets in-person, Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30PM-7:30MPand Fridays 4:00PM-7:00PM, July 11th — August 15th , 2022. The Teen Doc Makers Lab (TDM) is an award-winning, year-round, after school and summer intensive film program where high school students work in small teams to make a short documentary. TDM’s curriculum is founded in the cinematic tradition of the Maysles brothers, direct cinema/cinema verité, and encourages exploration of new approaches to filmmaking grounded in the innovative films/makers of today. Looking for youth who have a story to tell, and want to make moving and honest films about subjects important to them. This is a FREE Fellowship and teens between the ages of 13-17 are encouraged to apply! Applicants must be fully vaccinated.  More details on how to apply online can be found on the official Maysles site: LINK

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