Wednesday, March 8, 2023

☞ BESPOKE: The Canines at 199 Lenox Avenue

Harlem Bespoke: There's a beautiful corner building at 120th and Lenox that has a somewhat unusual carving on the brownstone stoop. The decorative elements usually found in 19th century buildings include floral motifs, mythological beings, horses, lions, angels and cherubs but rare are the ones displaying pets. Building number 199 Lenox has one of those animal themed carvings and one can see from the center photo that there are two dogs prominently centered at the front entrance of the building. The juvenile canines blend right in with the style of the building so its easy to pass by many times before realizing that they are there. This building has the only pet motif that we have seen in Harlem thus far so they are quite unique. 

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